If you encounter people who are too strict with you early in life, you may think the issue is rules and old-fashioned ideas.

However, you’ll find that many people who seem freer with rules may also invite you to break rules with them that get you in trouble.
Younger Christians, early in life, you may have started encountering people who become angry with you quickly for doing something you supposedly did wrong. You may think this behavior is connected to rules and old-fashioned ideas and decide you want to talk to people who are less concerned with rules. You may already be looking for people you feel freer with.
It is good to be around people who you feel free around. However, you’ll find that many people who seem freer with rules may also invite you to break rules with them that get you in trouble. As you spend more time with them, you may also find that their inclination to break rules can be self-centered and leave you feeling taken advantage of.
What you are looking for is people who are understanding, slow to anger, respectful of you, and follow rules in a way that is not overly strict. As a Christian who wants to be treated right, rules that guide people in treating each other the right way is not the problem. The tendency to be easily irritated, self-centered, follow rules too strictly, or create rules for the people under their social sway that are unfair causes the issues.