Like hyenas, there are people who prey upon the weak and the sick while laughing before fleeing in terror at the might of a lion.

They will have already decided that the meat of living is found in putting themselves before and above others.
As more people talk to others about becoming Christians, some will laugh at the invitation because a way of living that puts the needs of others before their own will not satisfy their idea of what it means to live. They will have already decided that the meat of living is found in putting themselves before and above others.
There are people who like to team up on a person who seems vulnerable in some way to make that person seem less than they are. This is the meat of their existence. It is not a meal to boast of, however. Like hyenas, they prey upon the weak and the sick while laughing before fleeing in terror at the might of a lion.
Now, look to a suffering animal that fights a predator until its last breath is given up to give its young time to flee, to live, and to eat another day. Think about the meal this young will have and why. Then, consider where the real meal of existence is to be found.
I wish this article reaches more people and people not only pretend, rather try really to come under the influence our religion is teaching us. If everyone believed in the concept of equality rather than spreading barbarism and force, we would actually see the change we want. And it is not too late yet to start.
Images used by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount were salt and light. 'Being salt' is intentionally seeking. This is to influence the people in our lives by expressing them the unconditional love of Christ through good deeds. Light is a symbol used to bring in awareness, sentience, knowledge, and understanding to bring out the best of the best in people. Hope is what has kept the world going. So, let us hold on to it, come together, and let us continue to spread positivity and inspire people rather than influencing them. :)