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  • Writer's picturePaul Condello

The Good Samaritans Of The Christian Liberation Movement

The social support of Non-Christians is needed.

They are needed to help repair and rebuild the Christian community.

Helping up a stranger who has been shoved on the ground will become a symbol of the Christian liberation movement. Not only Christians but also Non-Christians from the public square are being asked to help break down stereotypes concerning Christianity and begin picking up the broken pieces of churches and Christian society. Non-Christians are needed to help repair and rebuild the Christian community. The Christian liberation movement will not be a movement of Christians against the rest of the public square.

When they hear people complaining of the reemergence of Christiaity’s presence in the public, Non-Christians are gently asked to not be drawn into their anger. Non-Christians are also asked to speak on behalf of Christians who want more freedom to begin talking about their faith in public again. Non-Christians who want to stand on behalf of Christians who are openly mocked for this will help pick up a category of people who have been knocked to the ground.

Those who open their hands and embrace the hands of the fallen Christian public will help pull a people out of a state of oppression. They will be the Good Samaritans of this age. The Christian people will need support from within and without.

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