Politics can be cast in a bad light, but democracy itself should not be looked down on in the least.

In the USA, the political party that has shown itself to be the best champion of Christian freedom is the Republican Party.
Since voting is the way people affect the laws of society, Christians should vote for laws that respect their freedom of expression and values. Is politics the wrong method of promoting respect for Christian freedom and values, however? Politics can be cast in a bad light, but democracy itself should not be looked down on in the least. It gives people equal voices in deciding how life can be lived.
Who should Christians vote for? In the USA, the political party that has shown itself to be the best champion of Christian freedom is the Republican Party. Respected leaders of this party, such as former President George W. Bush and current President Donald J. Trump, have openly and consistently supported Christians’ freedom of expression in the public square.
Parties can be persuasive in swaying Christians to join their ranks, even when they don’t plan to support laws that respect Christian freedom and values. Christians should know that they can always change parties when they realize they have been talked into joining the wrong one. Christians can help promote laws that ensure their freedom of expression and respect their values by voting for the party that has already proven itself to be the best champion of that cause.
What matters the most is what brings good to the world. As Christian, we are taught the same thing all our lives. Politics although can be a pretty controversial thing, we should always do our part by voting the right person promoting peace. And your blog depicts it in the most comprehensive way!
Being a Christian, I’m very set in my outlook towards politics. I love how this blog depicts everything that I think about. We should always vote for laws that respect the other person’s freedom of values and expressions.