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Writer's picturePaul Condello

Mental Preparation: Disassociation

If Christians are going to start talking about God and Christian morality in public again, they are going to need to be mentally prepared to deal with criticism that will make them want to give up and doubt what they believe themselves.

Christians need to be mentally prepared.

At the heart of Christianity is the love for other people, so anyone claiming to be Christian who commits a grave act of violence or other serious offence does so against the teachings of Christianity.

It will be a struggle to move Christianity back into the public square, and one of the biggest struggles will be facing criticisms. As Christians begin to talk about the Bible more openly in public again, critics will complain about the wrongs Christians have done. These criticisms will not only make many Christians think twice about discussing God publicly again, but also cause them to doubt their message. To overcome this problem, Christians will need to understand how to disassociate Christianity from the wrongs committed by Christians.

At the heart of Christianity is the love for other people, so anyone claiming to be Christian who commits a grave act of violence or other serious offence does so against the teachings of Christianity. Christians need to realize how to separate the message of Christianity from the wrongs Christians commit. Christianity does not promote hate toward a neighbor because a pastor talks about a person they hate. The two have to be disassociated because such a pastor acts against the Christian message and the overall body of Christian believers.

If Christians are going to start talking about God and Christian morality in public again, they are going to need to be mentally prepared to deal with criticism that will make them want to give up and doubt what they believe themselves. They need to remember that Christians themselves do wrong because they are human beings, but at the heart of the Christian message is a love for humanity and God. This is a message Christians should never be ashamed to preach.



Jun 24, 2020

Really a great peace to read. I would surely share this with my friends ❤️


Jun 24, 2020

You are doing such a great work. Many christian are now derailed from what they actually should be doing. And if anyone would step up to preach christianity, I think they first need to be pious themselves. Also, they have to be prepared mentally to stand on firm grounds. Thanks for sharing such a valuable thoughts! :)

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