It isn't unloving or unChristian to honestly talk about the problems people cause for Christianity.

Christians need to be honest about the problems they face to try to solve them.
As more Christians return to conversations about influences that try to obstruct the growth, visibility, and voice of Christianity, some will ask if these conversations are only pessimistic about people and society. However, being honest about how people can behave is not the same as trying to find the worst in someone or not loving people. A Christian is called to look for the good in people and love them, but that does include ignoring the reality of how people can behave, which includes the way people can unfairly treat other groups of people.
Also, it is not loving to ignore influences that are trying to harm the Christian community. Pretending that no one is interested in promoting the decline of Christianity allows those influences to continue without resistance. Christians can have constructive conversations about how to address this behavior without pessimism in ways that are legal, non-harmful, and honest.
Christians need to be honest about the problems they face to try to solve them. Being loving is not the same as pretending people don't have bad intentions at times. There are people who have done a lot of damage to Christianity's presence in society and Christians don't want to pretend it isn't happening.