Thinking about letting go of an idea you now see as wrong can be hard.

In some cases, it can require a lot of humility and sacrifice.
Letting go of the wrong ideas can be hard, but it is necessary as one grows and learns about how to better live a Christian life. In some cases, it can require a lot of humility and sacrifice. When it comes to humility, for example, pride can keep us from admitting that we were wrong about something.
However, it is better to admit what is wrong and change for the better than continue in the wrong direction to give others the impression you are still correct. It can also require sacrifice to change an idea if you have already invested a lot into it. Changing how you think about something can go against years of time and money you have spent.
For example, you may realize one day after having decided to focus more on your faith and matters such as politics that you have been voting for the wrong political party. Changing political parties could feel like losing years of money spent in donations to the other party. However, you need to ask yourself what is most important to your heart.