In a time when authority figures and rules are often disparaged, the values of justice should be emphasized in discussions between Christians about the faith and consciously reflected in their behavior.

We can do this at places like work by showing our support for bosses who stand by rules that help ensure their employees are being treated fairly and not being taken advantage of.
Christians, a good message to focus on in today’s age is justice. In an age where institutions, rules, and authority are often looked down upon, justice should be emphasized in discussions between Christians about the faith. An emphasis on justice is not to create strict rules and harsh consequences but instead to protect people from unfair treatment.
One of the worst feelings in the world is thinking one is powerless in the face of mistreatment. This situation is often a result of a lack of good authority figures and rules. As Christians, we can help protect people from a feeling of powerlessness and mistreatment by being supportive of the right kinds of rules and authority figures.
We can do this at places like work by showing our support for bosses who stand by rules that help ensure their employees are being treated fairly and not being taken advantage of. It can be hard for people in authority positions to enforce the right kinds of rules when the people around them are not supportive. We can also do this by emphasizing the idea of justice in places like youth groups so that young Christians are exposed to the right kinds of ideas about rules and authority from a young age.