Sometimes, people leave Christianity because they have made a mistake.

They feel embarrassed and believe they are not worthy to be Christian anymore, so they think they are being hypocrites for continuing to openly be Christian and talk to others about Christianity.
Some people turn from the faith after getting in trouble for doing something that goes against Christian teachings. For example, maybe a student in a Christian school is expelled for making a mistake they soon regret afterword. They feel embarrassed and believe they are not worthy to be Christian anymore, so they think they are being hypocrites for continuing to openly be Christian and talk to others about Christianity. However, they first need to ask themselves if what they believe about God and Jesus’s teachings has changed.
If a person who genuinely believes in God and Jesus’s teachings makes a mistake, and s/he was not only pretending to believe on the surface, then their faith and their beliefs about how to treat other people doesn’t need to change and shouldn’t. It is not hypocritical to continue to talk about God, and shouldn’t you also continue to treat people the way you would want to be treated? People still want to be treated the right way, and God has not ceased to exist if he existed before.
You want to continue to treat other people as Jesus taught us. If people ask you about Christianity, you want to still speak about it with the same admiration and respect. Jesus also loves you just as much as he did before.