How should Christian individuals and groups come together?

After helping Christian commentators find jobs on the mainstream news stations, connect them with Christian legal groups.
How should Christian individuals, groups, and organizations collaborate to promote the modern Christian movement? Joinging together in ways that unite the Christian voice and hand in the public will be pivotal. For a group of people to have their voice heard before the public alongside the opportunity to affect the decisions the public makes liberates them from the oppressive feeling of being unheard and unable to act.
Consider Christians who watch the news and wonder what they could do as they hear of Christian children being silenced in school. Who do they call? What will be done?
After helping Christian commentators find jobs on the mainstream news stations, connect them with Christian legal groups. This way, a Christian who sits at home hearing disheartening news will see the mic passed to someone who will both speak for them and reassure them that peaceful, law-abiding action is already being taken. There is nothing far-fetched about this way of joining together and it can be accomplished.
We have been looking for new opportunities, and this has been a great tool in finding them. We now have the opportunity to speak up in the mainstream media, and we can't thank you enough.
Very true, as a Christian, we need to be of help to each other and look out for ourselves as one family. Therefore, helping our Christian commentators attain jobs in news stations can be a great medium in spreading the Good News as well. Great blog!!!