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Writer's picturePaul Condello

Flipping The Paradigm Inside Out

Christians need to flip inside out the model that has often been presented to them as to their place in society.

Christians should not feel that they stand with ideas that are outdated and wrong.

For Christians to gain a footing in society again, they will need to know where they actually stand. This will require flipping inside out the model that has often been presented to them as to their place. Christians who genuinely believe in Jesus and his teachings are actually the liberals of society, although not the political liberals. Those holding to the mainstream, which is now set against the open practice of religion, are the conservatives, non-politically speaking.

Putting aside political terms, the general use of the word liberal tends to describe those who go against the current of society to practice what they feel is right and to stand up for the downtrodden while the general use of the word conservative tends to describe those who want to adhere to the mainstream. What is now mainstream aims at ignoring and silencing Christianity, however.

Christians should not feel that they stand with ideas that are outdated and wrong. They are in fact the ones who champion the selfless love and compassion that marks real progressivism, a form of progressivism that is under attack by its artificial counterpart. Christians are on the outside now in many places, but Christianity will not be phased out. The fight is ongoing; it is a peaceful but dire one. Christians are called to do what they can in a peaceful manner to protect the freedoms of Christians in the public square.


3 comentários

27 de jun. de 2021

Liberal and conservative should necessarily not be the determinates of what is right or wrong, or good v bad. We need to keep that in mind now more than ever.


11 de mai. de 2021

I completely agree with this. The modern practices and attitudes are directed towards the downgrade of humanity and Christianity in general. It sometimes makes us feel dated and old in terms of practicing and preaching.

But what we should bear in mind is that what is Mainstream is not necessarily right and must be done. We should keep our Christian grounds always on top of the comtemporary world and its myths.


03 de mar. de 2021

Nowadays, more and more people are loosing the faith. This is quite sad to know and if you do a simple search in google, you'll be surprise to learn the numbers. "Despite the decline, Christianity remains the dominant religion in the Western world, where 70% of the population is Christian. In addition, according to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, within the next four decades, Christianity will remain the world's largest religion." -- from wiki ... But still, the decline is sharp and should not be complaisant. Christians should still continue to spread the message, to spread the light & hope, and be fishers of men. Most importantly, to spread the peace of the Lord.

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