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Writer's picturePaul Condello

Don’t Forget

The convenience of daily life can make it easy to forget what matters most at times.

Don’t lie back and figure that someone else will take of the situation if it needs to be taken care of.

Christians, don’t stop thinking about what is happening to Christianity. We live in a society of bounty, which is good in itself, but it can make it easy to forget the deeper meanings of life. Don’t lie back and figure that someone else will take of the situation if it needs to be taken care of.

Each of you should consider yourselves to be the ones to take a stand. It is easy to forget about religion and philosophy on a full stomach with a computer device in your pocket, although we should still consider ourselves grateful for what an abundance of food and technology means in itself.

The teachings of Jesus Christ still matter. The belief that human beings have souls still matters. Helping young people to develop a belief in God and learn about how human beings should really treat each other still matters. Even though it can be easy to forget that today, we still believe as Christians that the deepest sense of fulfillment comes from Christian teachings and that we have an obligation to pass on our faith.



Mar 12, 2022

I really feel these words. We are all sometimes so absorbed in our worldly life that we forget the crucial part; living by the way of Jesus's' teaching and letting it spread to and fro. We should be more vigilant in fulfilling our Christian duties.


Mar 08, 2022

Whew! Yes! It's so easy to be pulled by the world, but it is crucial to reflect and ask ourselves if we are keeping God first. I hope to live in a way where I don't only reach towards God when I need something, but in gratitude for all things.

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