How do Christian ideas compare with general societal ideas on topics such as love and equality?

Christians often talk about love in terms of selfless good, commitments, fidelity, and caring for other people, whereas general societal ideas of love tend to be focused more on physical intimacy.
When Christianity becomes more talked about again, some people will ask what the difference is between Christian values and general societal values on topics such as love and equality. Both Christianity and modern society claim to believe in the import of love and equality, but there are recognizable differences when their ideas are compared.
For example, Christianity teaches that people should treat people the way they would want to be treated, which is the highest form of equality. Both Christians and modern society believe in equal protection under the law, but people who are neither Christian, religious, nor relatable to secular humanists tend not to have the same depth of belief in the equal worth of each human being.
Also, Christian teachings on love tend to be more profound than general societal ideas, although members of other religions and people such as secular humanists can share Christian ideas of love. Christians often talk about love in terms of selfless good, commitments, fidelity, and caring for other people, whereas general societal ideas of love tend to be focused more on physical intimacy.
I feel like all the cultural values are nothing but a generally, widely accepted version of the Christian values we have been taught for ages. Of course, Christianity talks a lot more than what our society does and I completely agree with what you mentioned here!
The line about treating people in the way we would want to be treated and how that is the highest form of equality really stuck out to me. Even with that being the 'Golden Rule' that most of us learn at a young age, it never really occurred to be until now how impactful it is. Powerful.
Christian teachings are deep. They provide a rich and diverse worldview that is not found in general societal ideas. Christian teachings are profound because they are not just about what you do in the church, but also how you live your life outside of it. It is not just about what you believe, but also how you act on those beliefs.