Strobel makes many of his points using the kind of reasoning that historians use to piece together historical facts.

The ability of Jesus to heal blind and crippled people in the middle of crowds of people is real and strong evidence for his divinity.
As Christianity becomes a regular topic of discussion in the public again, people will ask what proof there is that Jesus is God. Author Lee Strobel wrote a book on this topic called The Case for Christ. It defends the belief that Jesus is God with a lawyer’s attention to detail and an honest reporter’s desire to unveil the truth.
Strobel also makes many of his points using the kind of reasoning that historians use to piece together historical facts. For example, he points out that non-Christian writing exists from around the time of Christ discussing the miracles he performed. This is an example of a strategy historians use to judge the validity of events, which involves seeing if different sources point to the same events.
Also relating to the miracles of Jesus, Strobel highlights how Jesus performed these miracles when crowds pressed around him. He couldn’t have performed magic tricks that required audiences to be at a certain distance and angle. Jesus also healed people at times who had always been known to have an infirmity, which rules out the idea that they suddenly faked a problem to be healed of. No, Christ healed many people with real infirmities in broad daylight amid large crowds. The ability of Jesus to heal blind and crippled people in the middle of crowds of people is real and strong evidence for his divinity.
The stories that we read from the Bible are true and they really show us what he is capable of. Hopefully, everyone will soon understand what God is capable of and put their firm belief in Christianity.