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Writer's picturePaul Condello

What Is It Really?

What really bothers you about it?

A big part of it is that you don’t like how you’re treated and how you see other people treated by anti-Christian ideas. 

Christians, what really bothers you about anti-Christian behavior and ideas?  A big part of it is that you don’t like how you’re treated and how you see other people treated by anti-Christian ideas.  People who openly show a dislike for religion want you to feel that you believe what you do because you are “old-fashioned” or “closed-minded,” but that isn’t what it is. 


The way this situation is often talked about in society can actually trick both you and others.  You might see your ideas as “old-fashioned” because that is often how they are described in relation to ideas that are popular today. If that is the case, you might be surprised to learn you are quite the opposite of what both you and others thought. 


Not liking how you are treated by people who disdain Judeo-Christian morality and not liking how you see other people picked on and mistreated by people who don’t believe in the Golden Rule, you are both empathetic and desirous of seeing others treated fairly and equally.  That is forward-thinking in the truest sense of the word.  On the contrary, what should an outlook be called that runs counter to the type of love Jesus Christ talked about?  It is a revival of thinking that predates Jesus’s ministry on earth. 



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