Should people avoid talking about right and wrong at work and other public places?

Although talk of what is right has been tangled up in misunderstandings and a lack of feeling in many instances, isn’t a real and enlightened conversation about right and wrong an act of empathy in which people try to understand how people should treat one another?
Once Christian morality receives more attention from the public again, people will ask if talk of right and wrong is not out of place in a modern society. This is because right and wrong has been talked about in ways that have failed to consider factors such as context and compassion. Right and wrong has also been argued about to an extent that has caused many people to think that they can’t know what is right and wrong. However, don’t most people universally agree on the basics of right and wrong, such as the need for fairness, justice, and compassion, even if many people have been persuaded to think that they shouldn't use "right and wrong" as a term? Also, can’t right and wrong be talked about in a way that considers context and compassion, such as when teaching a person not to look down on people?
Although talk of what is right has been tangled up in misunderstandings and a lack of feeling in many instances, isn’t a real and enlightened conversation about right and wrong an act of empathy in which people try to understand how people should treat one another? Can’t it also be said that the answers are not always a matter of opinion either? Notwithstanding the law, is it merely a matter of opinion or taste that it is morally wrong to murder innocent people?
The principle message of Christianity about right and wrong is summed up by Jesus’s message about treating other people the way they would want to be treated because most people wouldn’t want anyone to murder them, steal from them, or not show them any compassion. This teaching encapsulates the core values that people have generally acknowledged across cultures and throughout human history in addition to upholding other key values that a free and modern public would struggle not to find truth in, such as the fact that all human beings are equal in worth. This is why real conversations about right and wrong should not be out of place in a modern public unless compassion, empathy, and the value of human life are out of place as well.
Right and wrong is what makes us Humans and knowing the difference is what makes us superior than any other creature. Ethics are the basis of the society and being open about what's right and what's not just makes us more kind, compassionate, and closer to our creator.
Ethics are the standard of what is right and wrong, and they are based on our values. Being ethical requires making a moral judgment, and that’s not always easy. Ethical behavior takes courage and has to be practiced.
We have to learn how to reflect and analyze every situation, and when we always think of kindness and compassion we won't able to step down or hurt someone by wrong words.