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Writer's picturePaul Condello

A Stereotype Of Geographic Proportions

Where people grow up and live does play a role in what they think, but people should not assume that someone is a steadfast Christian only because of where she or he is from.

A true Christian also knows that there is a logic in God’s existence that is apparent from the natural world and that they do not hope falsely.

If Christians are to move back into the public and convince others to join them in their faith, they are going to need to contest the stereotype that dedicated Christians are all from the South. It is truth that many Christians of genuine faith are from the South, but people can believe in Jesus from any place. Where people grow up and live does play a role in what they think, but people should not assume that someone is a steadfast Christian only because of where she or he is from.

Although Christianity is spread out more thinly in some places than others, some of the finest Christians can be found in places such as California and New York. There are Californians who will tell you, “I am a lifelong Californian, I love Jesus, and I’m not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” There are people from New York who will say, “I’m a proud New Yorker, and I try to walk with Jesus every day.”

What a genuine Christian believes is based on a love of Jesus and what he taught us about how to live a life of love and enlightenment. It is also based on a hope in an ultimate form of good and a real life that is to be lived after the body dies. A true Christian also knows that there is a logic in God’s existence that is apparent from the natural world and that they do not hope falsely. People who really believe in Jesus Christ can believe this from any time and place.



Jun 27, 2021

The more people are exposed to Christians who break negative stereotypes, the better the public’s perception will be.


Jun 24, 2020

It is so true! People stereotype each other basing on where they are from. Little do they know that God exists everywhere. Just because your neighbour is a sinner, you won't follow his foot steps. Similarly, it is a rotten idea to consider people's belief merely depending on their living place. I hope your message reaches to every Christian.

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